Summer Tips for Your Outdoor Haven

Summer Tips for Your Outdoor Haven

May 23, 2014

Your garden is the perfectly designed extension to your beautiful home, outside. It should reflect your home’s interior personality, tastes and décor style and simply be a complementary addition to the rest of your wonderful abode. Your garden should reflect you, including colour schemes, exterior décor design and the luxury patio furniture you choose. It should be the perfect place to spend lazy afternoons relaxing, and be somewhere you are proud to invite guests to dine and party within.


There are plenty of ways to transform your winter garden to a vivid and bright summer retreat in a few easy steps; here are a few gardening tips to keep your garden healthy and visually stunning throughout the sunshine months.

Look after new plants

Most plants and flowers will tend to initiate budding during the summer season, so if you want a flourishing and gorgeously full garden – make sure to keep plants hydrated once or twice a week during hotter weather spurts to avoid bud loss and plants drying out.

Give your garden a quick transformation

It is so difficult to find the ideal time split between creating your dream garden, and actually spending time enjoying your new outdoor creation. If you are stressed for time but want your garden to look cared for and be purposeful - place a few flowering plants in spacious areas to add a burst of vivid colour to your garden. A freshly cut lawn can also do wonders for a noticeable garden lift!

Keep flower pots cool

Terracotta pots are extremely fashionable and make for visually great outdoor design. However, terracotta is a material that can overheat quite easily if in relatively warm weather and cause damage to potted plant soils. If you feel your plants are becoming dry due to their sun exposure, move them into a shaded area during warmer sunshine hours. For potted plants that may have dried out too much making re-wetting the soil quite difficult - try soaking them in a bucket of water for half an hour and then draining.

Keep lawns long and fresh

It is a complete myth that by cutting lawns to a shorter length, the cutting frequency need will fall. In fact, brown and patchy lawns are a common symptom of scalping, which means cutting grass lengths too low. Longer-grassed areas are better for heavy use and can suppress pernicious weeds. To give your lawn a lush makeover - feed lawns with seaweed tonic and apply one handful of poultry manure per square metre once a month before rain periods. Allow at least two weeks for the greening results to be visible, and make sure you allow the odour to leave before you have a garden party!

Here at Verdon Grey, we specialise in beautifully crafted and contemporary yet traditional outdoor furniture to make your garden exquisite and unique. For further information regarding any of our product ranges or services please feel free to get in contact with our friendly and helpful team on 01284 812 000 or view our full luxurious furniture range via our website.

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