Save The Bees

Save The Bees

March 30, 2015

As you might have already heard there have been a number of reports in recent years suggesting that bee populations across the world are falling dramatically. Insects such as bees are an essential part of our eco system, and according to some estimates as much as a third of the food we eat would not be available were it not for bees. This is because bees are pollinators and thus play a vital role in agriculture, pollinating a wide variety of the fruits and vegetables that eventually end up on our plates. So here we give a quick guide to how you can help the bees in your garden, and help protect this vital species by making your garden more bee-friendly.

Get Planting

Growing a variety of plants in your garden can really help species such as bees, by providing them with a range of food sources. There are a number of plant varieties perfect for attracting bees to your garden, including foxgloves, honeysuckle, buddleia and lavender to name but a few. Make sure you include a mix of both early and late flowering plant varieties too.


Go Wild!

Leaving a small area of your garden to grow wild can provide the ideal habitat for bees and will create some great bee nesting sites. Piles of leaves and logs can also make great nesting sites too. You can even have a go at making an underground nest site for the bees in your garden for yourself, by digging a small hole and filling the bottom with a ball of dry grass or moss, then covering with something such as a flat stone, making sure you leave a small entrance.

Mow Less

This week has also seen calls for gardeners to give up their lawnmowers and let their grass grow a little longer, to protect wildflowers such as daisies which provide essential pollen for pollinating species like bees.


Ultimately making your garden more bee-friendly can have a number of benefits for your garden too, helping it to thrive. Here at Verdon Grey we are suppliers of a great range of high quality contemporary garden furniture so you can enjoy and make the most of your garden and the wildlife in it. For more information please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to assist you with your enquiries. 

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