Oh Baby It’s Cold Outside; Your Guide to Using Your Garden Throughout the Winter Months

Oh Baby It’s Cold Outside; Your Guide to Using Your Garden Throughout the Winter Months

March 30, 2015

Like it or not, winter is on its way and it’s likely that it will be here for significantly longer than the ‘blink-and-you’ll-miss-it’ summer. Every year the winter takes us by surprise and we confine ourselves to the indoors until warmer weather rears its head again. This shouldn’t be the case though, and you really can get out in spite of the temperatures. Now we’re not saying that you should break out the deck chairs and flip-flops in order to usher in December but it is easily possible to keep using your garden all year round.

As a premier supplier of contemporary garden furniture we want to make sure that you get the maximum amount of use from your garden and garden furniture. With this in mind we have put together this quick guide that includes four of the best possible ways to use your garden even if it’s snowing!

Cold weather barbecue


Don the gloves, hats and coats and get yourself and your friends out in the garden for this summer favourite re-imagined! ‘But why?’ we hear you ask. Well, the fact is that you never appreciate piping hot food straight from the coals as much as you do in winter. Dust the snow or frost from the barbecue and get some meat on there; whether it’s the classic sausage and burgers, or something a little more comforting such as cooking an entire joint of meat on there, you’re sure to love the flavour and forget the temperature in no time.

Top Tip; The only weather that can ruin a cold weather barbecue is rain, so it’s always worth keeping a large pot of chilli on the boil just in case the heavens open.



What do we do inside in the winter when the temperature drops a bit? That’s right, we stoke up the fireplace and get toasty warm again. A bonfire is the perfect opportunity to make this simple step into an event for friends and family! Whether you simply stack up a few logs in the fire pit or rack the logs high and make it a spectacle, you’re sure to have fun as the conversation and maybe even mulled wine flows around a warming fire.

Top Tip; if you’re planning on hosting a fire as an event then fireworks will really add to the occasion.

Plant some winter crops


It may seem silly and misguided but there are plenty of crops that will grow over the winter months, and you shouldn’t leave your garden untended until spring.  Whether you’re planting garlic for your chilli or some winter salad greens to top your barbecued burgers, winter crop growing can be a very rewarding hobby. Unlike growing crops in the summer you may need to take a little more care to ensure that the crop does not perish; slugs shouldn’t be a problem but the cold temperatures can kill off any growth.

Top Tip; by surrounding the base of your plants with bark you will prevent moisture gathering and rotting the plant roots.

Whichever of these you choose you will surely agree with us that winter is not a month for shying away, and you really can get out more!

For more information on staying comfy in your garden all year round then feel free to get in touch and we will be happy to help.

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