Green Credentials

Green Credentials

August 30, 2013

Need to get rid of your old furniture?

Consider this; every time you dump an old piece of  indoor or outdoor furniture that is a huge waste of materials, and really bad for the environment. Discarding old furniture means that more has to be built from scratch – using up more resources like trees and adding pollution to the environment. Don’t add to the mounting landfill sites with your old furniture. Make the right choice and buy luxury outdoor products made to last.

Up your green credentials by choosing garden furniture that is prepared for all seasons (even the Great British ones) that is ergonomically designed for the purpose of giving you years of enjoyment.

If you are getting rid of old furniture, don’t dump it check around for local charities who may be in need, not only will you shift your old furniture you will also feel good about helping out the community.

Another point; when choosing new furniture for your home sustainable options such as products made from sustainable sources. Our teak is 100% sustainable and is endorsed by the FSC (Forestry Stewardship Council).

For more information about our products or help in choosing products right for your home please don’t hesitate to get in contact or give us a call and our friendly sales team would be more than happy to help 01284 812000.

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