Gardening Tips From the Professionals

Gardening Tips From the Professionals

April 02, 2015

Here at Verdon Grey, we believe that gardening may be one of the most satisfying and rewarding activities you can do. There’s no better feeling than nurturing a plant from seed and watching it grow into something beautiful. As enjoyable as it is, sometimes it can be frustrating, difficult and downright hard work. At times like these, you might be in need of some advice from gardening’s finest – and that is what we bring to you today, so take note and get back into that garden!

Weed Early

Weeding has got to be one of the most tedious gardening activities, but it is a necessary evil. To save yourself a lot of time and effort, it’s best to start weeding early in the season when the weeds are still small as the bigger they grow, the bigger their roots will grow which will make them a lot more difficult to remove.

Deal with Slugs and Snails

Slugs and snails are a gardener’s worst enemy, so you want to make sure that they don’t hang around for too long. One of the best ways to make them feel unwelcome is by utilising plants that are deterrents to these little creatures. You could plant mint, chives, pansies, kale and many others in the form of a barrier around the rest of your garden.


Dig Wisely

It’s important to choose your digging time wisely. If it is particularly wet, you will find that the soil will become compacted which will cause it to lose its structure. It’s best to leave digging to those rare dry spells when the mud won’t stick to your boots.

Be Wary of Terracotta

When planting in terracotta pots, you should be aware of the fact that terracotta soaks up water, so you may find that these plants dry out a lot faster than others in ceramic or plastic pots. If you want to use terracotta, try lining it with an old compost bag with holes in the bottom. This will make sure that your plants don’t dry up and stay hydrated for longer.

Plan Your Space

It’s important to make sure that you plan ahead of planting. You want to make sure that you have enough space for everything that you intend to fit in. You will also find that there are some plants that will be better suited to different areas of your garden as some will cope better in the shade rather than direct sunlight. It is also advisable to make sure that you place your compost bin somewhere that can be easily accessed and in a spot that is regularly visited.


Give Your Garden a Calcium Boost

Just like you, your garden needs calcium to stay healthy. One of the best ways to give your soil that calcium boost is by sprinkling ground up eggshells around. The shells are fast to biodegrade but will give your garden what it needs. They are also fantastic at deterring slugs and snails which is an added bonus!

Replant a Rose Bush

A great trick for replanting a rose bush just from the clippings is to push the ends of the rose trimmings into a large potato which will keep the ends moist as they develop roots. You can the plant your trimmings and watch as they bloom into a beautiful rose bush!


Now that you know all the tips and tricks for your garden, get out there and enjoy it! But you’re going to need somewhere to sit back and relax as you survey your beautiful garden. That’s where we come in. Here at Verdon Grey, we have a fantastic selection of all weather garden furniture, so you can enjoy your garden come rain or shine! For more information about any of our products, please don’t hesitate to contact us today by calling 01284 812000 to speak to a member of our friendly team.


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