Could your garden be putting off potential buyers?

Could your garden be putting off potential buyers?

September 03, 2013

A unsightly exterior is believed to devalue a house by a small but significant amount.It is not just overgrown plants and dilapidated fences that could turn potential buyers away oh no! A well kept lawn and perfect patio can be just as damaging.

Let’s look at this closely-

Who exactly are you selling to? Lets say a family; your property is near a school and local ammenties perfect! However you have a fully paved garden- Not so good for the children who want to play out in the summer. Where as if your property; in the same area but has been adapted for older people, the paved garden would be just perfect for them- No maintence and no fuss.

What can your garden say about your home? An untidy and unsightly garden that includes neglected fences and sheds perhaps won’t provide buyers with confidence about the rest of the house. Showing potential buyers what you do with the garden space will allow them to visualise their own ideas.

Many people do not reliase that having overgrown trees and shrubs can actually visually shrink the look of the garden. Allow the space to be open and inviting without being overwhelming (Many potential buyers maybe put off by the exotic plantation you have growin behind the connifers)

Show off the potential of the garden. Allow the buyer to imagine what it would be like to live there and add their own touch to the property.

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