What To Do In Your Garden This Autumn

What To Do In Your Garden This Autumn

March 30, 2015

With the summer having finally come to an end you may be thinking that it’s probably time to start heading indoors. However autumn is in fact one of the busiest times for your garden. Indeed the autumn months are the perfect time to enjoy your garden, which is sure to be a riot of colour, and start planning for the year ahead.

Get planting

According to the Guardian October is the start of the planting season, and material planted now will benefit from the months ahead to get roots in. For example autumn is the perfect time to start planting your spring bulbs so you can ensure your garden is full of life and colour once spring finally arrives.

Indeed according to advice produced by the Royal Horticultural Society the autumnal months are the perfect time to get planting and prepare your garden for the following year. Spring flowering bulbs such as daffodils and hyacinths should ideally be planted before the end of September, whilst November is the perfect time to plant your tulips.


Bulbs are typically among some of the easiest plants to grow and as a general rule you should plant bulbs two to three times their own depth and around two bulb widths apart, and make sure you plant them with their top facing upwards. You could also consider planting a variety of different bulbs in pots for a great patio display.


Have a tidy up

It can also be a good idea to regularly collect as many leaves as possible from your lawn and compost these to leave it looking tidier. You may also want to clear any that build up on your patio areas, as these can be particularly slippy underfoot during wet weather. October is also a great time to tidy up and cut back any perennials in your garden to help remove any signs of decay and promote healthy growth.


Remember autumn is also a great time to simply enjoy your garden before the winter really takes hold, and here at Verdon Grey we have a great selection of luxury garden furniture to choose from, so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy all your hard work. If you have any queries or for more information about our amazing selection of products please do not hesitate to contact us and a member of our friendly team will be happy to help you with your enquiries.

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